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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Nuclear Weapons are merely the tool-set that we will use.

"The Donald" continues to gratuitously help "The Brat" in her quest to become president of this country.  I contend that Trump's ridiculous performance at the recent conference of the National Association of Black Journalists reinforced opposition to him and weakened support among any undecided voters that may still be out there.  The part that bothers me most is that nowhere are either Trump or Harris adequately discussing their approach to the substantive issues facing America - black, white, brown, or anemic tan.  Focusing on "How Black we Are" is childish.  The exchange on "Black Jobs" is illustrative.  Trump claimed that Harris/Biden support of massive, illegal immigration endangers "Black Jobs."  When asked what a "Black Job" was he realized his error and accepted that "any job" was a "Black Job."  Neither side changed their mind about anything.  Political speechifying in today's America has little to nothing to do with issues, save to use them to stoke political fervor among supporters and detractors - none of whom intend to change their mind about anything important.

I am not here discussing the issue of race or unemployment.  I am pointing out that we are not discussing the substance of the subject.  Instead, we are delightedly goading each other on the issue.  We do precisely the same thing with every other issue currently in the news.  The irony involved in this particular exchange is that Trump has actually done more for the Black community than has any Democrat in recent history.  His economic policies are substantively better than traditional Democrat policies, but his mindless use of the English language destroys those same policies.  The average American voter views the exchange in the context of their preconceived opinions rather than the factual situation.  Supporters are reinforced.  Opponents are reinforced.  No one addresses the issue, but we all vote for "our" candidate.  The hell with the issue.  Our opinion of the individual candidate is far more important.

Domestically, all this does is destroy our social fabric, weaken our economic machine and disrupt personal relationships.  A more immediate danger looms just off stage and amazingly we are so involved with our internal squabbles we manage to completely ignore it.  Too much of the world is engaged in trying to kill each other and we are edging up to a nuclear exchange with one or another major nuclear power.  That event, when it happens, is going to literally change the way those humans that live through it are going to continue to exist.  My guess is that racial relations will rank somewhat lower than food sources and skin color will rank lower than health issues in absolutely all political polling.

I am continually criticized for calling us stupid, but nowhere has anyone proven me wrong.  Nobody even tries.  My critics merely announce that I am wrong and turn their attention to other "more important" subjects - like the definition of a "Black Job."  In my mind, that single thing is what is going to destroy humanity as we know it today.  The nuclear weapons are merely the tool-set that we will use. 

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