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Friday, August 2, 2024

Physical men competing in sports events with physical women is ridiculous as well as wrong.

 I believe that every one of us are born with both male and female body parts and a range of sexual orientation and, that in most of us, our body parts and our dominant sexual orientation are aligned.  I also believe that there are exceptions that society treats stupidly.  I champion "gay rights," but I do not believe that a gay should be able to decide on their own how they will compete in sports.  I continue to believe that participation in sports should be determined by a person's body parts, not their sexual orientation.  Sports are, after all, principally a physical endeavor and a woman trapped in a male body that wants to compete should compete with other male bodies.  Not to do so is not only wrong, it is cheap opportunism and contributes to the stupidity of others that are looking for reasons to oppose "gay rights."  Those that permit physical men to compete in sports with physical women, whether they are in the process of real or imaginary sexual transition, are ignorant cowards that are contributing mightily to anti-gay phobia in the general population.

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