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Sunday, August 25, 2024

We are arguing about the wrong subject.

I find it totally understandable that each of us are motivated to look out for number one as a priority requirement, and only after we have done that, can we think about the interests of others.  Back in the day, when there were few of us and distance between us was a real concept, this worked pretty well.  If we could not get our way, we resorted to violence and resolved the issue at hand.  The strongest prevailed, the weakest succumbed, and life went on pretty much as usual, but with different people sitting at the top of the pile.  This worked pretty well from the time that we walked to the fight carrying clubs through the development of airplanes and bombs.  Technology has fundamentally changed the game and humans all over the globe have yet to admit it.

The age old game is playing out right now all over the world, with individuals killing each other in every corner of this shrinking orb, spinning mindlessly in space, and we are getting increasingly adept at the killing, while simultaneously developing alternative realities as a means of coping with what would otherwise be a disturbing situation.  The impending election here in this country is a ludicrous example of modern politics in this once near-great country.  The Donald promises to make America Great Again and The Brat promises to make America Joyful again.  Nobody.  Repeat Nobody is talking about, let alone thinking about the need to improve the life of seven going on eight billion people - not for moral reasons, but as the absolute only way that humans are going to avoid self-extinction.

Ironically, the Chinese Communist Party comes closest to understanding the situation and their solution is a dictatorship that aspires to replace us in “leading” the world.  Our response is to try to find a way to “defeat” those efforts, without having to meet the very real needs of people living outside of our imaginary borders, and the problem is made even more difficult by our love affair with wishful thinking.  We are going to elect our next president based on the sign that he or she wants to put on the bathroom door and whether we find his or her personality to be more appealing.  Never do we concern ourselves with anything other than the price of gasoline, the age of the fetus, and our precious feelings.  Hell, we don’t even want to talk about anything else, let alone do anything that might change the present trajectory of history.  We have to decide whether The Donald or The Brat will do our thinking for us.

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