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Saturday, August 10, 2024

Immigration and Nuclear War

America presently faces an inadequate supply of housing and we insist on inviting more people to come live here.  Our urban centers are forced to try to deal with a rising flood of homeless people living on the street.  Our building code requires prohibitively expensive construction cost for new housing.  Our society is not absorbing newcomers into the mainstream as rapidly as used to be the case.  Low-level street crime is overwhelming police, courts and prisons.  Nobody is thinking about any of this except to address whatever aspect of it is in the headlines at the moment.  

Immigrants are not necessarily bad people, but a sudden introduction of too many immigrants, whether they are good or bad, is overwhelming the mechanics of our society.  If I wanted to destroy America, an excellent way to do it would be to do what we are doing, and not doing, right now.  My guess is that most of the political support for our open border policy is the result of good natured Americans wanting to help our less fortunate foreign neighbors, but it makes little difference.  They are as culpable as are those that would do us harm.  We are destroying the melting pot, weakening public unity, and destroying our social institutions.

All of this is bad enough, but the more immediate danger is that one or another of our foreign competitors will decide to challenge us militarily over one or another of the various international disagreements that are out there.  Most of the most probable candidates are nuclear powers.  A nuclear exchange is not in our best interests.  Continue the mindless squabbling that is going on right now in this country and you and I will see nuclear war.  Some of us will, unfortunately, for us, live through the explosions.

It does not need to happen, but apparently you and I are unable to engage in the civil discussion of real issues facing mankind that is the necessary precursor to viable solutions. 

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