One of my favorite places...

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Dodo Birds.

 You and I are trying to make up our mind whether we are going to elect a bombastic megalomaniac or another pawn of a coalition of elderly, liberal politicians that compete vigorously for the most asinine policies imaginable.  We twist our "understanding" of every issue to fit our choice and, in the process, we ignore all inconvenient truths.  Meanwhile, out in the world, an expanding number of disagreements are morphing into conflicts and societal order is collapsing all over the globe at the same time that we are creating ever more sophisticated tools designed to kill larger and larger numbers of people.  This is not a good situation.  You and I tend to blame individual politicians for wrong-headed decisions and rigorously avoid seeing our own culpability.  That is human nature and it is going to adversely impact the longevity of our specie unless we somehow manage to get our act together as humans, rather than politicians and wannabe politicians.

I am back up on the moon looking down on earth.  I see too many people competing for too few resources and a climate that is going through another of its cycles of change, in part, due to what humans call economic progress.  I see absolutely no guarantee that humans have to continue to exist.  Other life forms have come and gone on our spinning rock for all kinds of reasons.  Why not a nuclear war, or a new disease, or climate change, or...  Whatever happens to humanity, I doubt very much that what you and I are talking about today will have very much impact on it, other than to facilitate it because the ignorance central to our "conversation" ensures that we fail to positively impact any of the real threats facing us.  We will decide the appropriate age that we can snuff the fetus, the proper use of pronouns, the fair price of gasoline, the proper role of the Supreme Court, and dramatically improve public sensitivity as regards our feelings, but we will not address any of the issues that are going to destroy us.

The part that still urinates me is that we could avoid all of this if we chatted with one another intelligently, politely, and realistically, instead of politically.

Were I asked, by some future life-form, to write history after this form of humanity passes, I would explain its' demise as being due to stupidity.

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