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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Not if - When.

 My thesis is that we need to discuss substantive subjects publicly and fully, but there is no forum that is open to do that today in this country.  All forms of public communication have been captured by partisans that rigorously control content and "curate" truth - right down to the community level.  If we were really concerned about the future of democracy we would not put up with this situation, let alone contribute to it.  You and I, not Trump or Biden, are the ones destroying democracy and it is way too bad.  We are indeed too stupid, too greedy, too cowardly, too self-absorbed, to live in a democracy, and we are hell bent on destroying it.  The only question I have is at what point, which foreign entity will decide to pull the trigger on a nuclear exchange.  Not if.  When.  

I repeat, it is not Putin or Xi, or Trump or Biden.  It is you and me.

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