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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dinosaurs couldn't figure it out either.

 Various pundits tell us that our democracy is in danger and I agree with them, but not for the reasons that they proclaim.  Neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump are big enough to destroy democracy in this or any other country.  Nor is Kamala Harris.  The only people that can and are destroying democracy are you and me because of our refusal to think.  I very much doubt, however, that we will see the end of democracy in this country, because I fully expect us to stumble into a nuclear exchange with one or the other of our foreign competitors first.  A major nuclear conflict will change the ground rules of life forever more and depending on its severity, will make liberal and conservative issues interesting history.

You and I are not up to the responsibilities associated with living in a democracy.  Instead of thinking about our problems, we resort to policies rooted in wishful thinking.  This results in the flip flop nature of our national policies at home and abroad with the result that our problems grow in magnitude instead of being addressed adequately.  Neither Open Borders nor Closed Borders will resolve the problems that threaten nuclear war.  Neither capitalism nor socialism will save our economy.  Neither whatever or whatever will save whatever.  The only way that seven going on eight billion people can live together on a spinning rock of finite dimensions and finite resources is to cooperate with one another.  All of us, no matter where we live.

My guess is that those of us that manage to live through the nuclear holocaust might, repeat might, figure it out, but there are no guarantees that even if we do, we will be able to do the necessary.  Our grandparents saw the light dimly after the Second World War, but they and their children and grandchildren were unable to sustain the effort long enough to bring about the changes necessary to prevent more war.  There is no guarantee that we will do any better.  We might very well just be in the process of killing off another species in the evolution of this spinning rock.  Dinosaurs couldn't figure it out either.

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