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Monday, August 19, 2024

I fear Harris more than I dislike Trump.

We are in the process of choosing our next president and I fear Harris more than I dislike Trump, so I am going to vote for him rather than her. If the rest of this country decides to elect her and her inane economic policies, her simpering foreign policies, and her partisan intentions, I predict accelerated decline in all areas of our lives to include personal relationships between individual citizens.  Given the wishful thinking that characterizes so much of the populace, I fully expect one or the other of our foreign adversaries to initiate a nuclear exchange in one or the other of the places that the Biden Administration has permitted to devolve into a shooting war.  Although historians will blame Harris, I continue to blame us - you and me - for putting up with this ridiculous situation wherein we don't talk to each other substantively about real issues.  Instead, looking to the likes of Trump and Harris to do our thinking for us. 

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