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Friday, September 20, 2024

Re-arranging the deck chairs on the very luxurious ship of state.

 I have recently seen considerably more “news” than usual due to my confinement to bed, because of illness.  The experience is extremely depressing.  Not only is the situation that we find ourselves in right now, in far too many areas, very negative, the quality of the “news” relating to it is abysmal.  I am highly critical of Trump, but the inane vacuousness of Harris makes him look like a national savior.  The American press is fully in bed with one or the other candidate and objective analysis is a great rarity, if it exists at all.

I continue to reserve my most vehement criticism for you and me and I increasingly fear that our national sanity may very well be irretrievable before foreign threats overtake us.  Harris claims that her values have not changed, yet she tailors her present statements about her intentions to fit her appreciation of where the most votes are, without giving any clue as to how she intends to achieve these often contrary objectives, nor any explanation as to why these proposed policies are radically different than her earlier stated policies.

Trump is beginning to call Harris a communist, but that is nothing more than a rhetorical version of what she is engaged in.  She is not a communist, she is merely a weak individual trying to mindlessly play to what she regards to be the popular will.  I do believe that there are individual politicians on the political left that admire aspects of communist ideology, but I do not believe that they represent a significant portion of the political left.  Most are good people, with minimal real world experience, who are fully engaged in wishful thinking.

On a tactical level, the United States is now controlled by an informal group of left leaning politicians to include all of the most prominent individuals currently holding specific positions in government fortified by the most respected recent officeholders.  Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc - even Hillary Clinton.  They are currently in the process of trying to replace their White House office holder, because they feared that Biden was going to lose to Trump. Time being short, they were stuck with Harris and they are trying their best to make do, even though they never in their lives thought that they would have to rely on her as their front person.  The Biden to Harris coup was implemented on a dozen or so cell phones, but I still smell the cigars.

The American public is, by and large, uninterested in substance, preferring instead to seek simplistic platitudes that fit their individual personal situation, irrespective of the relevance to reality.  None of us, left or right, are thinking beyond self and that ensures that whichever way the electoral college decides, we will elect another seriously flawed national government.  The Hobson choice is which one is worse, not who can best lead us going forward.

I choose Trump because the frailties that he reflects are more long range than the ones that Harris represents.  Biden and his puppet masters have permitted the international scene to fall into even more chaos than is usually the case.  Harris has the same puppet masters and they will inevitably permit the international scene to deteriorate further, with the very real potential for outright conflict with one or more of our international competitors and that seriously risks a nuclear exchange.  Trump can almost certainly avoid that and can significantly improve our daily lives, but he can not bring himself to reach out to the rest of the world and provide the kind of leadership that is necessary to eliminate the long term danger inherent in too many people living on a planet of fixed dimensions and resources.  Very unfortunately, the reason is that you and I don’t give a rat’s ass about anybody but ourselves, and would not support him if he did.

You and I have a serious problem that we studiously ignore as we devote ourselves fully to re-arranging the deck chairs on our very luxurious ship of state, while endlessly saying to one another “it is not my fault.  It’s them.”

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