One of my favorite places...

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Not one American is, today, engaged in combat.

 Kamala Harris in her debate with President Trump noted that “as of today, there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world, the first time this century.”  Don’t pass over this statement in a rush to be joyful.  This is the person that, if elected, is going to have to deal with Vladimir Putin, Xi Jin Peng, and Kim Jung Un.  This is the person who is going to have her finger on the nuclear button.

The fact is that today there are tens of thousands of American military personnel engaged in combat, the most intense of which, right now, is in the Red Sea.  She is either knowingly lying, hiding behind legalistic definitions, or ignorant.  None of these explanations encourages me to think that she would make a good president.  She is also associated with Joe Biden’s Ukraine policy, which has pretty well destroyed Ukrainian infrastructure, killed far too many Ukrainians and Russians, and wreaked havoc on the American and world economies - needlessly.  She was also “the last person in the room” when they decided to abandon Afghanistan and left town in the dead of night without telling our NATO allies that we were abandoning the field to our joint enemy.

The Biden Administration, in which she is the second in command, has permitted the situation in the Middle East to deteriorate dramatically and there is zero indication that they are going to be able to change things for the better in the foreseeable future.  The apocalyptic leadership in Iran is on the cusp of having a nuclear weapon, or already has one, and they daily declare that they intend to destroy both Israel and the United States.  All of this before we address the problems that afflict Africa, South and Central America, and Taiwan, let alone the deterioration of security here in this country.

I agree with some of the criticism of Donald Trump, but the idea that we would consciously elect Kamala Harris to the presidency is ludicrous, as well as dangerous, and stupid beyond belief.  We are not risking our democracy as much as we are endangering our continued existence.

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