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Sunday, September 29, 2024

A society in free fall.

 According to press reporting, Trump has once again spoken carelessly about an important matter.  Apparently, the recent ICE data released to the press includes multi-year data that stretches well back in history to include felons and other miscreants that entered the country under previous administrations, including his own.  Trump has apparently massaged the data and presented it as though it was all because of Biden/Harris.  This is classic Trump, and his careless speech is one of my leading tactical criticism’s of him.  It does not change the situation that faces us today, however.  The Biden/Harris Administration has permitted far too many miscreants to enter the country during their administration and Trump, clumsy though he was, did a much better job of slowing the flow.  The adverse impact of the influx of human trash on our country is one of the most serious domestic problems facing us today, whether we admit it or not.

America actually needs immigrants, and not all potential immigrants are bad people, but we must do the very best job that we can in sorting through the applicants and selecting only the best.  Then we have to incorporate them usefully into our economy and society.  I’ve actually tried to do it, and I can tell you, from first hand experience, that it is a very difficult job.  Having said that, when we knowingly release a very bad criminal into our country with a piece of paper asking him or her to report to our court system in a year or two, you and I have a mental problem of severe magnitude.  Here again, I choose Trump’s previous imperfect performance over Harris’s purposely vague promises.

I suggest that we have a very serious, brand new problem facing us domestically - the rise of trans-national criminal organizations that are linked directly to the flow of illegal immigrants.  These gangs are reaching down deeper and deeper in our society in a serious challenge to law and order at precisely the same time that we are knowingly castrating our law enforcement structure from the highest courts down to the street corner.  Foreign antagonists are partnering with the gangs to harm us further, Chinese origin drugs being the premier current example.  Politicians blather about the problem and do absolutely nothing to combat it effectively, while the general populace, the voters, continue to slumber on.  Increasingly powerful transnational criminal gangs inside America is the price that we pay for ignoring what is happening to societies all through Central and South America and knowingly permitting that sickness to flow into our heartland.

Now look at the two contenders for the presidency today.  Trump may not be anywhere near an ideal president, but Harris is firmly committed to continue the ridiculous policies that are permitting the criminal scum to take over our ghettos and will very soon extend their reach into local government, if they have not done so already.  During the recent “Summer of Love” she actually, personally bailed criminal rioters out of jail and supported the mindlessness that was taking our cities apart at the seams.  If we elect her president, I predict accelerated deterioration of our society, nuclear war with one or the other foreign antagonist, and free sex change operations for all incarcerated prisoners that are willing to vote for her inane policies.  Nero played the fiddle, Kamala will just giggle cluelessly.  A mindless American public will joyfully accept her word salad of the day as being leadership, and you and I will swirl down the drain along with the very best effort to live decently in the entire history of humanity.  I see it as being way too bad.

PS:  I have personally helped to bring tens of thousands of good people into this country and integrate them successfully into our society.  Thirty six of them on my own dime.  I honestly believe that I know what I am talking about and I would willingly discuss it further with anyone who honestly wants to find an intelligent way forward.  I won’t, however, be surprised if no one takes me up on my offer.  That is the historic characteristic of a society in free fall.

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