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Friday, September 27, 2024

I am an American. I am not a Ukrainian.

 According to the Financial Times, “Donald Trump said the war in Ukraine would be ‘resolved very quickly’ if he won the US election as he met Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday, and touted his “very good relationship” with both the Ukrainian leader and Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president.”  Kamala Harris is critical of Trump on Ukraine, because she believes that he will force Kiev to give up large segments of their country to Moscow.  I support Trump on this point and believe that Harris has absolutely no glimmer of a plan to deal with the war, other than to continue the mindless killing and associated disruption of economies all over the world, including here in this country.

I have held my nose and argued for a negotiated settlement ever since Biden permitted the Russian  invasion to take place.  The time for stopping the idiocy was before it got started and we definitely should have done that.  Biden’s Crimea track record, his failure during Putin’s run up to the invasion, coupled with his ignorance since, is what has brought us to this point in the tragedy.  If elected, Harris will flounder on in Biden’s path, because she is incapable of understanding the complexities of the situation on the ground - even if someone intelligent were to explain it to her, and there are, quite obviously, none in the Department of State or the upper echelons of the military that are capable of doing that.

What America has to understand is that our adversaries around the world are very complex people and some of them possess very powerful weaponry.  Combine this with our internal dissension and you and I have a very serious problem.  We are in the process of completely destroying our unity of purpose here in this country as we attempt to rewrite the most basic rules governing our society - down to and including our sexual identity. This is fundamental stuff and it does no good to ignore it.  In both Ukraine and Gaza we have taken the position that the killing should continue until our opponent accepts our end game, but we refuse to endanger our own necks while we actively encourage the destruction of other societies and squander the funds that could be much better spent in helping people live better lives all over the globe.

I am an American.  I am not a Ukrainian.  If I were a Ukrainian, living in Kiev, I would almost certainly do precisely as Zelensky is doing.  As an American, living in the nuclear age, I have different objectives.  I want to see peace in Ukraine, and I do not want any more war than absolutely necessary to sustain and protect America.  I see Ukraine as a family disagreement between Moscow and Kiev, not a national disagreement between Russia and Ukraine.   There is absolutely no question, but that Putin is attempting to take advantage of the family quarrel to advance his effort to rebuild the Soviet Union, but that does not change things on the ground. This useless war is just another example of us needlessly killing far too many people, destroying far too much badly needed economic infrastructure, and needlessly risking a nuclear exchange.  I would be delighted to see Trump force Putin and Zelensky into a compromise based on the ethnicity of the populace rather than an artificial border.  Granted, it should have been done years ago, but that fact must not block it now.

As to any American that honestly believes that this Ukrainian end game would make us look weak, I suggest that our present policies in all ongoing hostilities everywhere in this messed up world is already doing that in spades.  The world sees us for what we have become - wealthy, naive, self-absorbed, cowards.  Let’s at least engage in some intelligent foreign policy so as to stave off our national demise as long as possible, in the hope that someday, before it is too late, we will dispense with the wishful thinking and grow a pair.

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