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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It was bad enough when the choice was between Trump and Biden.

 It was bad enough when the choice was between Trump and Biden.  I thought that we had reached the nadir of our political life, but alas, I was wrong.  Half of us are now in the hilarious, embarrassing, ridiculous process of championing a person that was yesterday, repeat yesterday, a near universal laughing stock because half of us fear, hate, loath the orange-haired alternative.  I am disturbed by the choice that is emerging, but even more disturbed by the absence of a moral rudder in American society today.  We are fixated on the age of the fetus, our political allegiances, the price of gasoline and our precious feelings when outright war is ravaging humanity in far too many places in this shrinking world.  

War is a bad thing.  It is not a movie.  It wastes resources, kills and maims innocent people, destroys the infrastructure of civilization, and makes cooperation between people impossible.  Cowards attempt to avoid it with appeasement.  Blowhards relish it as a way to dominate others.  Virtually no one, today, attempts to find middle ground that all can accept and even fewer are willing to spend the resources necessary to ensure the military dominance that is the only proven way to eliminate war as an acceptable alternative to cooperation.  Right now, we are in the process of criticizing the Israelis for their persecution of the war against Hamas.  We claim it is killing too many civilians.  I note here, that, not all that long ago, we aggresively fire bombed German and Japanese cities in an admitted effort to encourage the citizenry to accept surrender.

Why?  Americans are good people.  A lot of them have read a lot of books.  Why are we such a stupid people?  I continue to believe that it is because we have constructed an imaginary world that, amazingly, we actually think that we live in.  If I am correct, the prospect is for us to continue to implode as the world deteriorates around us.  As specific disasters take center stage, we will attempt to ineffectually deal with them until one or the other "new" disaster emerges as being more immediate.  It can be argued that the world has always been such, but I suggest that there is an extremely important difference - nuclear weapons.  How do imperfect governments, once engaged in a shooting war, disengage before the use of nuclear weapons, and once those weapons are used, how does the other government avoid using them in retaliation?

Lest you think that nuclear weapons are too horrible to be used, please remember that the only country in human history to actually do so was us.  A people that thinks that Biden, Trump, Harris is acceptable national leadership is perfectly capable of believing that our nuclear weapon is better than "their" nuclear weapon.  

Wake up folks!  Please.

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