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Monday, July 29, 2024

I do not want Kamala Harris to be president because...

 I do not want Kamala Harris to be president because I believe her to be an inadequate leader advocating unrealistic policies that unnecessarily divide Americans.  Having said that, I respect her as playing the current tactical, political scene extremely well.  The "Brat" bit is a clever way to gain the support of younger American voters and characterizing Vance as a "weird" choice on Trump's part is as well.  Vance's "childless, cat lady" rejoinder, on the other hand, unnecessarily alienates far too many voters.  

I am not crazy about Trump either, even though I will vote for him as being the marginally better choice.  My principal concern with "The Donald" is his inadequate concern with the challenges facing people living outside of this country.  I actually agree with the bulk of his policies as regards internal American issues even as I criticize his gratuitous, ridiculous, political vitriol and find much of his persona to be distasteful.

As I have tried to explain in previous writing, my principal criticism is directed not at the politicians that we put up to lead us, but rather you and me for not living up to our responsibilities to each other.  I see both Trump and Harris as being your and my joint failure, not the mistake of "the other."  My argument gets absolutely no traction because you and I adamantly refuse to accept the responsibility that we currently shun.  My current appreciation of the situation is that you and I are going to continue to trash each other and this once near-great country and sooner or later, needlessly and stupidly, engage in a nuclear exchange with one or more of our foreign competitors.  Should we elect Harris, it will happen sooner rather than later, but Trump's "victory" will merely postpone our demise.  Given the control of too much of our social infrastructure by wishful thinking, I am pessimistic about the future.

America will not be saved by destroying the administrative state nor by inviting everybody to come live with us.  The only way we can do it is for you and me to start talking to each other about real problems civilly and realistically.  That can't be done with clever memes.  It takes extended, intelligent, patient, face-to-face discussion.  My pessimism stems from the fact that we are demonstrably failing to do that.

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