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Sunday, January 5, 2025

The greater challenge facing humanity

 I am not a fan of The Donald, but I give him full credit for his ability to hob nob effectively with the elite of the world.  The  number of senior foreign leaders that are flying in to Florida right now is very impressive, but I also remember his conversations with Kim Jung Un and Vladimir Putin.  The comparison with Biden falling asleep at various world leadership conferences and failing to wake up in time to make the group picture is stark.  I am not at all certain what kind of a deal Trump will strike with Kim, Putin, and/or Xi, but I believe that we have a better chance with him than we had with Biden.  I also expect to approve of his policy vis-a-vis Iran.  The place where I continue to be concerned is his emphasis on making our country Great Again without what I believe to be sufficient concern for the rest of humanity.  My guess is that were he to be challenged along these lines he would argue that one must address first things first.  My counter argument would be that, while true, that very unfortunately can become the excuse for never facing up to the greater challenge facing humanity.

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