Forbes has an article out today that sites poll reports that rate the Biden presidency. The president did not fare well in the report except in working to improve gay rights. I usually view polls with skepticism, but I agree with this one. I see the Biden Presidency as being something of a disaster and rate him at the very bottom of all of the people who have occupied that office in the several centuries that our country has existed.
His current effort to claim great successes during his time in office would be hilarious if we were watching a Broadway play, but we are not. There is a very real possibility that he actually believes what he is saying, but I find that to be hard to accept, even if his staff did shield him from reality and our press abdicate their responsibilities. I believe that he is, instead, a practiced charlatan that has long been permitted to get away with unacceptable performance of his civic duties. He played the good old boy extremely well and managed to carry it over into the presidency, but he ran out of gas in the process. Obama, who had observed him up close and personal for four long years, saw him for what he was, and tried to warn us by not supporting him as his successor, but we chose to ignore him.
Having said that, my greater criticism is of the society that aided and abetted the dumpster fire that was the Biden Presidency. Leaving the radical left aside, and accepting the failure of the press, far too many Americans failed to view our political situation critically, permitting their own personal needs and desires to dominate our thinking. We have now turned to Biden's political opposite for relief and we are going to flip flop once again in virtually every facet of public life. Some of us with glee and some with sincere trepidation.
I am an economic conservative and a social liberal. That ensures that no one agrees with me as to the ideal policy in virtually any political arena. I see the incoming administration as being a positive development overall, but believe that when it ends, we will still have leagues to go to get this country back on track. Hopefully Trump will oversee the transition that needs to take place in our military - changing it back from a squad of poorly supported Boy Scouts to a legion of well equipped, lethal killers. Hopefully he will also reduce inflation without further damaging our credit and manage to revitalize our manufacturing sector. I also support the effort to make government more efficient, even as I deplore some of the rhetoric surrounding that issue. And I expect him to champion much needed law and order in our streets.
My guess is that he will actually do some portion of what needs to be done. Much of America does not like him and can be counted on to continue to malign him fairly and unfairly, but, deep down, the majority of us actually understand that this country is a mess and something has got to be done before we destroy ourselves. The key to success over the long run depends entirely on you and me. Not Trump. Not Biden. Not some foreigner. You and me. We either face up to reality or we go under. Our call.
As for me, I don't care if you are black, white or purple. I don't care if you have a bank account or are stone broke. I don't care if you have a college degree or never set foot in a school in your life. I don't care if you are a man, a woman, or confused. I don't even care if you are an American or not. I advocate making all of our lives matter and honestly believe that is the absolute only way to make this world worth living in. For goodness sake, quit freaking out on our differences and focus a bit more on our similarities. Please.
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