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Thursday, May 9, 2024

From Gaza to Michigan

 My guess is that foreign governments are involved in stimulating and supporting the anti-Israel demonstrations occurring all across this country and spreading to other countries world-wide.  If I were one of our antagonists, I would certainly do so.   I do not, however, believe that the majority of the participants in the various demonstrations are participating because they have knowingly been recruited by foreigners.  I believe that the majority of the students are unsophisticated, naive, good hearted folks, who are genuinely and rightfully aghast at the horrors of the Gaza conflict.  That mental state combined with youthful naiveté and a simplistic understanding of the world, makes them ready followers for skilled agitators, who have been in place long enough to understand and be accepted by their American friends.

The Pro-Hamas apparatus here in this country gives every appearance of being composed of very competent soldiers and sophisticated leaders, dominated by openly Pro-Palestinian activists who have managed to attain legal representation in Congress.  Given that they have obviously been in place for a considerable length of time, I am not surprised to find university instructors and professors among the protestors, nor am I surprised to see American money providing logistic support, even as I remain unclear as to why that is so.  I am jaundiced enough to even understand President Biden’s very real concern that these demonstrations might well cost him the 2024 election.  The severity of that last danger is such that the Biden Administration is currently demanding that Israel stop trying to destroy Hamas.  As a retired Cold Warrior, I give our Palestinian friends kudos for their skill in manipulating us, but were I to be discussing it with them as one professional with another, I would also point out that we are an absurdly easy mark right now, given our WOKE/MAGA mental illness.

As any who have read any of my various articles probably already knows, I am of the belief that our biggest problem is that we are a democratic form of government plagued by an electorate that is incapable of understanding, let alone dealing with the challenges that face us.  It is virtually impossible to conceive of any problem that would not see us divided in half as to how to deal with it, and with both groups offering inadequate tactical solutions to problems that require an intelligent, long term strategy.  Gaza is but one in a very long list of major problems that are falling afoul of this inadequacy.  It is one of the major reasons why our approach to any and all problems is tactical rather than strategic.  In my mind Hamas is a tactical flareup in a vastly more important issue - Radical Islam’s age old war with Judaism.  The critical issue facing America is not a bunch of naive citizens rioting on American campuses, nor even the plight of millions of Arabs and Jews caught in the current spate of fighting throughout the Middle East.  The more important issue is Arab-Jewish relations - wolrdwide.  Not from the river to the sea, but rather from Gaza to Michigan.

PS:  Teheran runs Hamas.  Teheran does not give a fig about Gaza.  Teheran is on the cusp of being a nuclear power.  Its leadership is dominated by apocalyptic thinking.  The reason that Teheran triggered October 7 was because of Sunni consideration of the Abraham Accords.  Raffa is not the critical battle, nor is the recent exchange of missiles between Jerusalem and Teheran, nor is the sit-in on whichever American campus, nor is the way Michigan votes in November.  Every single bit of that is tactical.  The strategic situation will not long be impacted one way or the other by the way in which we resupply Jerusalem's attack on Hamas.  The critical need is to find a way to convince Teheran's version of Shia Islam to stop trying to win the war with Judaism.  To think that can be done solely with guns and missiles is the height of stupidity, as is the pie-in-the-sky hope that it can be done without them.  They clearly have a role, but my concern is that we do not give enough thought to what happens when the shooting dies down.  We have the attention span of a gnat.

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