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Friday, May 3, 2024

I see what is happening in Gaza and Ukraine to be horrible, unnecessary tragedies.

 I see what is happening in Gaza and Ukraine to be horrible, unnecessary tragedies.  I also see public opinion in this country to be grossly naive and uninformed.  Our inadequate support of Ukraine is unconscionable and our criticism of Israeli war-fighting tactics forgets that we fire-bombed German and Japanese cities not that long ago, and then turned around and nuked two Japanese cities full of people so as to avoid the human and financial cost of invading the Japanese homeland.  What Israel is doing in Gaza is child’s play in comparison to what red blooded Americans did to Japanese and German civilians.  The protestations currently disrupting our colleges and universities are nothing more than intellectual masturbation on the part of some very nice, ignorant children, stimulated by.some nasty political operatives, with the intent to contribute to the destruction of America.  The fact that we, you and I, can not see that fact of life is what is wrong.

I am not a great believer in the efficacy of our education system, but these protestations are clearly disrupting it.  Were I influential, I would use police to stop any and all illegal transgressions and then take legal action against anyone who damaged public or private property.  I would also encourage a civil, intelligent discussion of the various international issues that are causing so much very real pain around the world.  I would invite anyone who wished to express themselves peacefully to do so in open debate with anyone who held a contrary view.  Society’s acceptance of violence in lieu of debate is an extremely dangerous degradation of our political system in addition to being stupid.  Were I invited to participate in the discussion, I would argue that America is not pulling its weight in world affairs and that is because we, you and I, are refusing to understand, repeat understand, the very difficult problems that face humanity everywhere on this very small rock spinning in space.  Instead of understanding, we seek to blame, which convinces us that we are the one that is right and “the other” is wrong.  Given that stupidity, conflict is inevitable and war is never, repeat never, prosecuted according to rules.  War is, in fact, far nastier than any very nice American powder puff can possibly imagine.  We can not even cope with someone using a hostile pronoun when talking to or about us, how in the world can we be expected to understand what happens to our thought process in war.

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